What are accommodations?
Accommodations are tools or adjustments that help remove learning barriers in the classroom. They create an EQUAL opportunity for students to learn and showcase their knowledge.
For example, a student with poor vision may need to be moved to the front of the class so they can take notes off the board. A student who is deaf may need an interpreter to help them partake in classroom discussions. A student with a broken wrist may need to be given a copy of the notes from their teacher and take tests orally. A student with dyslexia will also need classroom accommodations.
Accommodations do not guarantee a student good grades; students with accommodations still need to put in the effort and work hard. Accommodations simply help remove or minimize obstacles the student struggles with in order to provide every child with equal access to learning and success.
Common Accommodations
Below are some of the most common accommodations for students with dyslexia. Some individuals will need many of these; others will need very few; some may outgrow certain accommodations; others may need to add more as they continue through life.
Other Accommodations